Contributions to support this project can always be made through PayPal ( 20. Will was tyring to elicit thoughts about the whole concept of a god's will. Listen to an interview with Rev. Quotes, as voted by Quotefancy readers. So what is the role of the university chaplain? Q: Where does the rise of conservatism, especially on the religious Right among Protestant evangelicals, fit into this whole thing? Embed. Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. There are many kinds of silence, and one of them is a humbled, respectful, listening silence. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" So I shall so let us all seek consolation in that love which never dies, and find peace in the dazzling grace that always is. Smart lad, to slip betimes away God is dead set against all unnatural deaths. Among the healing flood of letters that followed his death was one carrying this wonderful quote from the end of Hemingways A Farewell to Arms: The world breaks everyone, then some become strong at the broken places.. And of course I know, even when pain is deep, that God is good. This is the fourth year of the complete ten year collection of sermons. Because there are no rankling unanswered questions, and because Alex and I simply adored each other, the wound for me is deep, but clean. The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love, Crowned with lilies and Laurel they go; but I am not resigned. And Christ spent an inordinate amount of time delivering people from paralysis, insanity, leprosy, and muteness. RN: Any comparisons between the domestic opposition to the Iraq War/Occupation with the domestic opposition to the Vietnam War? Only reverance can restrain violence - reverance for human life and the environment.". That's why immediately after such a tragedy people must come to your rescue, people who only want to hold your hand, not to quote anybody or even say anything, people who simply bring food and flowers the basics of beauty and life people who sign letters simply, "Your brokenhearted sister." The Theology of William Sloane Coffin. Protestant preacher William Sloane Coffin after the death of his college-age son in an accident confesses to blowing up at a neighbor. For all she had to say. This is the seventh year of the complete ten year collection of sermons. So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind. The Rev William Sloane Coffin A radical preacher and antiwar activist, he took on the American establishment Christopher Reed Thu 13 Apr 2006 19.04 EDT The upbringing of William Sloane. Why are they unhappy if they think he is in paradise with 72 virgins or are they just feeling sorry for themselves? I swear to you, I wouldnt be standing here were I not upheld. The Blessing of Grace by The Rev. The Theology of William Sloane Coffin Thursday, February 15, 2007 Eulogy for Alex Ten days after his son, Alex, was killed in a car accident, Reverend William Sloane Coffin delivered this sermon to his congregation at Riverside Church in New York City. So I shall so let us all seek consolation in that love which never dies, and find peace in the dazzling grace that always is. During WWII, Coffin joined the army and later served as a CIA agent after the outbreak of the Korean War. In my case on the death of my wife they were summed up well in a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay entitled Dirge without Music. " William Sloan Coffin, who died yesterday at 81, was among the foremost pacifists of his generation, and set the mold for the liberal activist preacher ." Coffin, the model for Doonesbury's Reverend Sloan, was a Freedom Rider, Yale chaplain, champion for social justice and one of the most respected leaders of the anti-Vietnam war movement. Runners whom renown outran I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the cold ground. I'm not a believer but at least I appreciate when people demonstrate that they actually believe in what they say they do. William Sloane Coffin gave what would be his final sermon at Chautauqua. Sometimes it has seemed that patriotism blocked any kind of criticism, that we were afraid if we spoke out against going to war or the policies after the Iraq war, that it would be considered disloyal to the troops and our country. Rev. The use of Gods will or God has chosen to take whatever the phrase has always made me uncomfortable. Have a think about the bigger picture!! Another consolation, of course, will be the learning which better be good, given the price. The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love. If a week ago last Monday, a lamp went out, it was because, for him at least, the Dawn had come. So if you want to know where God is in this or in anything, look for love., Your email address will not be published. Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible., I love the recklessness of faith. So while trite, its true: I walked a mile with Pleasure, The night after Alex died I was sitting in the living room of my sisters house outside of Boston, when the front door opened and in came a nice-looking, middle-aged woman, carrying about eighteen quiches. Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind; William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. Read more. This is the seventh year of the complete ten year collection of sermons. And I played all the hymns. This well-intentioned person had brought in a dinner for Coffin and his family and said, "I just don't understand the will of God." He said: "I'll say you don't, friend. But assuming they did, if they hadn't (it was supposed to be god's plan all along) there would be no Christian religion and no savior who died to save everyone else. And round that early-laurelled head 25 Quotes. It remains a heartfelt classic in homiletics. SERMON: Alex's Death, by William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Posted on October 6, 2013. How much suffering? (Lord Byron). William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (born 1924) was a Yale University chaplain who spoke out against the Vietnam War and was indicted as a criminal by the United States government for conspiring to aid young men to avoid the military draft. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. was born on June 1, 1924, in New York City to William Sloane Coffin, Sr. and Catherine Butterfield Coffin. ABERNETHY: Coffin rails at neglect of the poor and U.S. policies in Iraq. Q: How about your own death? My own consolation lies in knowing that it was not the will of God that Alex die; that when the waves closed over the sinking car, God's heart was the first of all our hearts to break. To-day, the road all runners come, 5 This page has been archived and is no longer updated. William Sloane Coffin Compassion, Sentimental, Individual William Sloane Coffin (2004). If we (me included) could only get a fraction of a grasp between the difference between time and eternity we would cling much less to time and be closer to God's perspective. RN: What do you think should be done strategically and tactically by the peace movement? Bill Coffin flourished here, in the cracked common clay of an earthly and earthy life. There is no god!! I was moved to tears, to be perfectly honest. William Sloane Coffin Sr. (April 15, 1879 - December 16, 1933) was an American businessman. Download free, high-quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers featuring William Sloane Coffin, Jr. BTW, anonymous was I ere I saw Suomynona WTB, but I'm sure you guessed that right away. I know all the right biblical passages, including Blessed are those who mourn, and my faith is no house of rest, came from fellow reverends, a few of whom proved they knew their cards; these passages are true, I know. You blew it. The one thing that should never be said when someone dies is It is the will of God. Never do we know enough to say that. April 12, 2006 / 7:32 PM / AP. William Sloane Coffin. But like God herself, Scripture is not around for anyones protection, just for everyones unending support. And Christ spent an inordinate amount of time delivering people from paralysis, insanity, leprosy, and muteness. After the tsunami, some Moslem clerics said it was god's punishment for their sins. Eyes the shady night has shut My own consolation lies in knowing that it was not the will of God that Alex die; that when the waves closed over the sinking car, Gods heart was the first of all our hearts to break. But oh, the things I learned from her In a prideful way it would be easier to walk the valley alone, nobly, head high, instead of as we must marching as the latest recruit in the worlds army of the bereaved. I'm sure there must be something somewhere in the Bible which says words to that effect. Ralph Nader: With the majority of Americans in poll after poll turning against the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq and with many retired Generals, diplomats and intelligence officials opposed to the invasion in the first instance why is the organized opposition not greater? This is the sixth year of the complete ten year collection of sermons. As almost all of you know, a week ago last Monday night, driving in a terrible storm, my son Alexander who to his friends was a real day-brightener, and to his family fair as a star when only one is shining in the sky my twenty-four-year-old Alexander, who enjoyed beating his old man at every game and in every race, beat his father to the grave. After earth has stopped the ears: Now you will not swell the rout I swear to you, I wouldn't be standing here were I not upheld. I was first introduced to this sermon years ago in a college communications course, and I have thought of it with surprising regularity ever since. William Sloane Coffin May God give you the grace never to sell yourself short; Grace to risk something big for something good; and Grace to remember the world is now too dangerous for anything but the truth and too small for anything but love. I mentioned the healing flood of letters. As for the theological issues, I agree with William on the need for respectful silence. I went right away to the piano. And finally I know that when Alex beat me to the grave, the finish line was not Boston Harbor in the middle of the night. There is no smaller package in all the world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself.', 'Prophets from Amos and Isaiah to Gandhi and King have shown how frequently compassion demands confrontation. You gave me what God gives all of us minimum protection, maximum support. William Sloane Coffin Jr. was an American Christian clergyman and long-time peace activist. Updated February 2023. A formula, A phrase remains.but the best is lost. #Firsts #Leap #Wings. Did you perhaps mistake me for someone else?? The reality of grief is the absence of God My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? The reality of grief is the solitude of pain, the feeling that your heart is in pieces, your minds a blank, that there is no joy the world can give like that it takes away. (Lord Byron). But its a fact: few of us are naturally profound. So people are feeling sorry for themselves instead of happy for the one they believe is now in heaven. The common attribution to the eighteenth-century statesman Alexander Hamilton was probably based on a mistaken understanding of a relatively modern citation. Reprinted with permission of theWilliam Sloane Coffin Sermon Archive Project. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. RN: What about the Educational system as it relates to democracy? Hello Select your address Rev. Last week my senior minister shared with me a sermon dated January 23, 1983 (Palm Sunday) written by William Sloane Coffin. ABERNETHY: Coffin became the leader of the U.S. campaign against nuclear weapons. God is dead set against all unnatural deaths. If you had a pastoral visit with the president, what would you say? The title of the sermon is "Alex's Death" and it comes on the heals of Rev. So why the grief, self pity? Ten days after his son, Alex, was killed in a car accident, Reverend William Sloane Coffin delivered this sermon to his congregation at Riverside Church in New York City. These sermons were delivered from the pulpit at Riverside Church, N.Y.C. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Yes, but at least, My God, my God; and the psalm only begins that way, it doesnt end that way. The prayers are presented in several multi-year collections. How are you able to look at the world as it is and still have the capacity for feeling joyful? I know how lucky I am! Actually, its even more worth a listen; its considerably more powerful inthe oral form in which it was delivered, and the audio can be accessed here. She chattered all the way; -- William Sloane Coffin. The still-defended challenge-cup. I'm always puzzled at these Moslem women who wail like Banshees when their terrorist sons are killed as what they believe to be martyrs. But its a fact: few of us are naturally profound. Not because our diverse readership will agree with all of its theological underpinnings, but because I think it offers wise advice on what to say (and not say) when someone dies tragically, a poignant window on the human experience, and a lesson in the art of effective rhetoric(hence why we were discussing it in a communications class). Above all, he condemns what he sees as the country's self-righteousness. We have to be forced down. Then, as I began to re-read it, I noticed that the guy's name is William Sloane Coffin. Q: After September 11 there was a surge of patriotism. 00:00 $ 75.00 Sermons from Riverside Church 1982 I know all the "right" biblical passages, including "Blessed are those who mourn," and my faith is no house of rest, came from fellow reverends, a few of whom proved they knew their cards; these passages are true, I know. Love without criticism is a kind of betrayal. William Sloane Coffin served as chaplain of Yale University and Williams College, was senior minister of Riverside Church, and is President Emeritus of SANE/FREEZE: Campaign for Global Security. But you seem to be able to deal with these problems in a way that recalls some deep confidence. I walked a mile with Sorrow The fact you find that puzzling makes me glad not to be in your family! From fields where glory does not stay, 10 Alex, as he was called, was killed in a car accident in 1983 when he was only. Even as he was trying to cooperate gracefully with the inevitability of death, he was also coaching Paul Newman to play the preacher in the film version of Marilynn Robinson's novel Gilead. Download. Different cultures have different views of death. by Rev. Can you explain what that means for you? Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. Some of the very best, and easily the worst, knew their Bibles better than the human condition. These prayers may be purchased separately but they are included in the actual sermons too. _______________ Reprinted with permission of theWilliam Sloane Coffin Sermon Archive Project. But left me none the wiser Today's Times asks the inevitable question following the tragic death of at least 26 Polish pilgrims in the French Alps: What kind of God would allow something like this to happen? Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death, Joan Halifax, Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs and Communicatoins of the Dying, How Can I Help? Shoulder-high we bring you home, Click the cart icon next to a sermon in the player below to add a sermon to your cart. As his younger brother put it simply, standing at the head of the casket at the Boston funeral, You blew it, buddy. I know all the right biblical passages, including Blessed are those who mourn, and my faith is no house of rest, came from fellow reverends, a few of whom proved they knew their cards; these passages are true, I know. "A spiritual person tries less to be godly than to be deeply . Houseman, To an Athlete Dying Young. And I wept and I wept. And then, Im a preacher. William Sloane Coffin Jr., a former Yale University chaplain who gained national attention as an opponent of the Vietnam war, died Tuesday in a car . But the things I learned from her But when children die, they take away the future as well. Brett & Kate McKay March 18, 2017 Last updated: June 16, 2021. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. So I shall so let us all seek consolation in that love which never dies, and find peace in the dazzling grace that always is. They are gone. We have to be forced down. And there are large accidents, like the one your dad was in. Of course its a crutch. My own broken heart is mending, and largely thanks to so many of you, my dear parishioners; for if in the last week I have relearned one lesson, it is that love not only begets love, it transmits strength. When she saw me, she shook her head, then headed for the kitchen, saying sadly over her shoulder, "I just don't understand the will of God." Then a miracle working preacher comes to town promising at midnight, all the dead will rise from boot hill and come back to life. And I wept and I wept. William Sloane Coffin Jr., chaplain of Yale University, were indicted today on charges of conspiring to counsel young men to violate the draft laws. Didnt the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Prometheus every time it dined? When parents die, as my mother did last month, they take with them a large portion of the past. I have a little sentence or two, about the Chinese Emperor who sent his wise man off for a month, to figure out, what is happiness? If the order gets mixed up, thats misery. RN: What broader advice do you have for strengthening our democracy and confronting the concentration of power and wealth over the life sustaining directions our country (with its impact on the world) needs to take? But I think much of our exasperation could be tempered if we could see our lives more from God's perspective than our own. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. Podcast #862: Heal the Body With Extended Fasting Podcast #761: How Testosterone Makes Men, Men How Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Podcast #852: The Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness William Sloane Coffin, Jr. was born to considerable wealth and social position on June 1, 1924, in New York City. While I could never presume to know the answer, I do take comfort in this passage from the author Kate Braestrup, which I wrote in my final post on this blog (below). Rev. Never do we know enough to say that. I also know this day-brightener of a son wouldnt wish to be held close by grief (nor, for that matter, would any but the meanest of our beloved departed) and that, interestingly enough, when I mourn Alex least I see him best. Q: What should we be mindful of when we make defense policy? Click the cart icon next to a prayer in the player below to add a prayer to your cart. This album is a collection of prayers from the end of the sermons; 1980-1981. I swear to you, I wouldnt be standing here were I not upheld. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Yes, but at least, My God, my God; and the psalm only begins that way, it doesnt end that way. It seems to me for those believers who grieve, their religion brings them little more comfort than those who don't. Q: Many, many religious conservatives read the same Scripture that you do and come out very differently on social issues. It withers quicker than the rose. William Sloane Coffin, who died Wednesday at the age of 81 of congestive heart failure, was known as a civil rights activist and outspoken critic of the Vietnam War. These are all end of sermon prayers from the Sunday sermon delivered at Riverside Church. Q: Your faith and the nature of God and God's love -- what is the bedrock there for you? That is what makes the valley of the shadow of death seem so incredibly dark and unending. The one thing that should never be said when someone dies is "It is the will of God." So he has a hand in making our lives better but not worse? And ne'er a word said she; Q: I'm interested in the distinction between a speech and a sermon. Coffin delivered his sermon "Eulogy for Alex" at Riversid e Church. Realist- I'm struggling to understand how what you said relates to anything I posted above whatsoever. Transcript - William Sloane Coffin's Eulogy for Alex Ten days after his son, Alex, was killed in a car accident, Reverend William Sloane Coffin delivered this moving eulogy turned sermon, filled with deep truth and deep pain about the realities of death and the true (not trite) hope we have in God. But . What do you say to those people? O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. In my email signature, I have this quote by him: The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.. After the death of his wife, C.S. God is dead set against all unnatural deaths. Ill say you dont, lady! I said. These days, campuses are very concerned with religious pluralism. ABERNETHY: I asked Coffin to think back on the civil rights and other protest movements he helped lead. Is that so hard to understand? Some of the very best, and easily the worst, knew their Bibles better than the human condition. In other words, in my intense grief I felt some of my fellow reverends not many, and none of you, thank God were using comforting words of Scripture for self-protection, to pretty up a situation whose bleakness they simply couldn't face. These are some of the popular topics this blog covers. This is the first year of the complete ten year collection of sermons. Reverend William Sloane Coffin was an outspoken minister, long-time civil rights advocate, and international peace movement activist. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. If a week ago last Monday, a lamp went out, it was because, for him at least, the Dawn had come. Your email address will not be published. When a person dies, there are many things that can be said, and there is at least one thing that should never be said. The question seems more pointed given the context -- a group of devout believers making a religious pilgrimage -- but the same question is struggled over every day by people of faith who experience suffering or have to watch a loved one suffer. As you look around the country today, I wonder whether you see an absence of commitment to great causes with great passion. A different man named Alex Hamilton who was a British broadcaster used the saying in 1978. Another consolation, of course, will be the learning which better be good, given the price. Then he moves on to the next town. It is self-interest. In a prideful way it would be easier to walk the valley alone, nobly, head high, instead of as we must marching as the latest recruit in the world's army of the bereaved. Q: As you look back on everything you've done in your wonderful life, what are you most proud of? Robert Browning Hamilton Or, in Emily Dickinsons verse: By a departing light We see acuter quite Than by a wick that stays. Like A.E. We have to be forced down. As his younger brother put it simply, standing at the head of the casket at the Boston funeral, You blew it, buddy. We have to be forced down. Itsjust one of those things I think is worth a read by all. I mentioned the healing flood of letters. And of course I know, even when pain is deep, that God is good. I know how lucky I am! Thats why immediately after such a tragedy people must come to your rescue, people who only want to hold your hand, not to quote anybody or even say anything, people who simply bring food and flowers the basics of beauty and life people who sign letters simply, Your brokenhearted sister. In other words, in my intense grief I felt some of my fellow reverends not many, and none of you, thank God were using comforting words of Scripture for self-protection, to pretty up a situation whose bleakness they simply couldnt face. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! As almost all of you know, a week ago last Monday night, driving in a terrible storm, my son Alexander who to his friends was a real day-brightener, and to his family fair as a star when only one is shining in the sky my twenty-four-year-old Alexander, who enjoyed beating his old man at every game and in every race, beat his father to the grave. But it's a fact: few of us are naturally profound. It is truly a labor of love (a lot of labor; a lot of love) to digitally "Save Bill's Voice." Delivered from the Riverside Church pulpit over his ten years as senior minister, there were over 300 sermons in need of archiving to a digital format. 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william sloane coffin eulogy for alex